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Hello Room 3,

I hope that you have had a good week at school.  This week, in mathematics, we have been practising our basic facts using tens frames.  I have added a website for you to look at that will help you practise this.  Have a look at the blog roll on the right hand bar of this page.

I also found some great websites for you to look at about Africa and the animals that live there.  There is the National Geographic website with lots of interesting animal games on it; a live webcam so you can go and see what animals you can see in Africa and also just for fun, you can learn about the Gorillas that live in the South African Mountains.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Rhodes :0)

Hi everyone, I posted a new podcast.

Please click the link below to view it.
african bead podcast

See you there!

– Miss Rhodes

Your wild self!

We have really enjoyed ourselves this week, creating our wildselves! We used a website from the New York Zoo to see if we could build a character for a story.  As we are thinking about South Africa, we tried to use some safari animals.  Have a look at the website and see if you can ‘buildyourwildself’.

Zulu Beading

Welcome back to Term 2, Room 3!

This term our topic is going to be called ‘What would it be like to live in South Africa?’

We have already begun to explore this.  This week we have been looking at some South African beaded jewellery that is worn by the Zulu people.  It has been so interesting to explore this as we have found out that each colour and pattern of beads represents a different meaning.  Have a look at the website that I have posted on our blog to tell you about what each of the colours mean.

Peter Piper

Sally sells seashells

As part of our maths work this week, we have been looking at using directional language.  I have put some websites on the blog that you might want to try out….they have some maze games that you can play.

We have also had great fun with tongue twisters as we have started to learn a little bit about alliteration.  Can you look at the you tube clips that I have put up and see if you can sing along (these are the links at the top of the post)?

Have a great weekend!

Miss Rhodes

emergency boxes

Room 3 have been really busy this week making and filling their emergency boxes.  So far, we have added a tin of food and a spoon to eat it with.  This week, we are going to be adding a museli bar. We hope that we never have to use the boxes, but it is always good to be prepared – this way, we know that every child in our class has enough for one meal and school and a drink of water.

At the end of the year, we are planning to take our boxes home and re-pack them for the next year.


This week we have been looking more deeply at the features of shapes.  We have been looking closely at the properties of shapes  in order for us to understand how they link together and also to learn their names.

Have a look at this photograph:  

Can you find a way to sort the shapes?

I have put a link to a website that has a great game on it to help you practise looking for the things that are the same about shapes.


From Miss Rhodes



From Miss Rhodes


Hello Room 3,

Welcome to our blog! Do you know what a blog is? Blog is short for ‘web-log’ and a log is a bit like a diary.  So a log is a kind of ‘on-line diary’.

We use our blog to record what we have been up to in Room 3.  We do this by writing posts, adding pictures and putting on ideas for helping you with your learning at home and school.

So, the next post you see is all about our maths work from this week – hope you have fun reading it!

Have a good weekend,

from Miss Rhodes


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